Zero Project 2019
Award Winner
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DanceAbility International
576 OIive St. Ste 208
Eugene, OR 97405

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DanceAbility Master Teacher Trainings
Are you ready to deepen your knowledge of the DanceAbility method?
What is a Master Teacher?
A certified DanceAbility Master Teacher has completed the initial DanceAbility teacher certification, has 200+ teaching hours in mixed-abilities groups and has completed the master teacher certification course. This is the second tier in a series of DanceAbility certifications.
The DanceAbility Master Teacher's Certification allows you to facilitate the Five-Day DanceAbility Intensive, in collaboration with DanceAbility International. Currently there are 23 Master Teachers across the globe, who are implementing their expansive knowledge of inclusive teaching in countries around the world.
After this training your options to make money can increase significantly as you are certified to teach the 5 Day Intensives. Usually you can charge from $250 to $450 per 5-day training. So for example, if you have ten people at $300 per person you can make $3000. On average a training like this may have 12-25 people per training.
Opportunities To Train In Person
August 16-27, 2021 in Trier, Germany
Hosted by DanceAbility Deutschland
This training entails two weeks of intensive study. Approximately 10am - 5:30pm in the studio, with lecture/discussions in the evenings and on weekends.
** This training will be contingent upon pandemic measures in effect in Trier. We will be monitoring any changes to determine whether we will be allowed to host the training during the dates listed above.
Master Teacher Training Pre-Requisites
You must be a certified DanceAbility Teacher AND have completed 75+ hours of teaching in mixed-abilities groups by the time the training begins.*
*Addendum to the requirements: Haven't completed 75 hours of teaching? You can still apply! Alito will help you map out a plan to achieve your Certification after future teaching hours are completed. Email to discuss.
Training Costs
This training course costs $4000 USD.
There will be possibilities to create payment plans and or receive partial scholarships that can help you do the Master Teacher training. Each payment plan or partial scholarship will require a deposit to begin and a payment plan agreement for each person who needs one.
How to Register
To register for our upcoming Trier training in August, please contact Christina from DanceAbility Deutschland to get registered for this training! You can email her here!
We are looking forward working together to help you grow to the next level of your DanceAbility teaching career. Please feel free to contact us at or email Alito Alessi directly at for more information.